Category: Thesis (MSc)

  • Ontology-based semantic similarity measurements: an overview

    My thesis is about keyword extraction of biological notes, using semantic ‘dictionaries’ called ontologies. These ontologies are large networks, where each node stands for a concept, and each connection between nodes for relations. See the picture on the right for a visual representation of an ontology. To identify the subject of a text, I need…

  • Results? Thesis #5

    As promised, I have spent the last two weeks generating a lot (but not quite 120) results. So let’s take a quick look at what I’ve done and found. First of all, the Cyttron DB. Here I show 4 different methods of representing the Cyttron database, the 1st is as-is (literal), the 2nd by keyword…

  • Graduation pt. 4: What’s next

    Just a quick update to let myself know what’s going to happen next:Β It’s time to produce some results! While I was getting quite stuck in figuring out the best – or rather, most practical – way to extract keywords from a text (and not just any text, mind you, but notes of biologists), my supervisor…

  • Graduation Project pt. 2

    So, I am well underway finalizing the first part of my graduation project, the information extraction part. To re-iterate, I am currently working on matching textual content of a database to that of several ontology-files (big dictionaries containing loads of ‘things’ with relations defined). This is a flow-chart of the system I’m planning to build:

  • Graduation project

    Currently I am working on my final project of the Media Technology MSc. Programme of Leiden University. With the goal of structuring my thoughts and process so far, and because I’ve promised on Twitter, I decided to write a small and simple summary of what my project is about, how I got here and what…